One big reason I built passion in sports and became the athlete that I did was because of my grandma.
My Grandma taught me so much about sports, both mentally and technically.
She grew up a Tomboy, loving to play & watch sports whether it be football, golf, Olympics, soccer or whatever…
I can be watching a close game on TV late night, when most older people are in bed, and I look at the clock and say to myself “I bet Grandma is watching this game”.
Sometimes I’ll call her and she’ll answer “Are you watching this game?” 🙂
How to build passion for sports
As I write this article now I can say that my Grandma built sports passion into me.
mini-doc ⇓
My Grandma had 4 brothers and they all loved baseball & basketball (Wisconsin & Chicago – that’s part of my family heritage).
It’s funny because I can still remember my grandma teaching me in her backyard on the patio how to dribble the basketball…
She said I need to keep the ball low while I dribble or the defender can steal it from me.
I also remember watching the Chicago Cubs in the living room and I think the reason she was a fan was she grew up watching them with her brother Tom.
Also, she taught me the rules of baseball, as we would watch the Chicago Cubs on TV. Everyone back in the day had WGN – so with only 3 channels that was one and the Cubs were always on.
Remember that school comes first
I knew all the players in all the sports and my Grandma would tell me all the time, “Jeremie if you could remember your school work like you do your players names & numbers you would make straight A’s.”
And I knew she was right, but sports was more fun.
I’m good at what’s fun for me; I just had to learn that the school had to come first for the sports to come at all.
I just had to learn that the school had to come first for the sports to come at all.Click To TweetPlace your bets
So I really got into watching all the sports and loved playing football, soccer & basketball…
Now, my Grandma still watches the same amount of sports maybe more now. She has to know who to bet on each weekend… Nothing big, just for fun:)
Yes, my grandma gambles on football games with her friends and some family [no names mentioned!]. 🙂
Her sport of choice to play is golf and always has been since I can remember.
That’s what makes her happy like soccer makes me.
When she talks about her game she gets extra excited with a big smile on her face…
With a proud stance (unless she plays a bad tournament and she has that shrugged shoulder with the snap of the fingers that she didn’t play well, but then reminds us with a smile that she is older than all the others she plays with – haha!).
About My Grandpa
My Grandpa I must say also gave me passion for sports.
He was a Wisconsin Badger alumni (and he always adds that they are some of the smartest athletes and the best University).
The Green Bay Packers was his team growing up and he would remind me that they have the most championships.
In terms of personally being active, he was more the outdoors fishing & hunting guy.
His exercises of choice is riding bike & swimming as he swims several miles per day all the way through age 80+!
Therefore, that motivates me to want to workout when I am older.
Keeping up with our health through exercise is important.
Learning the importance of discipline and health
When I was in High School my Grandpa would give me knowledge on which College Programs would be good for soccer & education.
He also taught me discipline in that you have to do your exercises for health.
I can always remember him doing floor exercises or coming in from the city pool. He’d also take long bike rides in the morning and then have some good oatmeal & fruit already out.
It’s cool because now my wife and I do that and our kids see it so it’s great to keep that small ritual in the family…
Plus I think of my grandparents in the mornings.
Grandparents are a family’s example
Grandparents are a family’s example.
Their support can really shape lives & their presence at games are extra exciting.
I love that my grandparents are supportive in my soccer life & actually understand what I’ve done and what I do now with soccer!
The 3 things my grandparents taught me as necessary to a good life & success are Good Attitude, Good Choices and Self Belief.
They’ve always got my back & they are honest in giving their opinion about what I need to keep doing to be successful. 🙂
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa. I love you.
My Top Blog Posts:
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- Expert dribbling tips
- Importance of goal side defending
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- How to play more aggressive
Follow me on social media @GFTskills