Helping you promote your talent
So you can earn a college scholarship.
Only the top 2% of high-school age players get a full athletic ride. The rest receive partial or no scholarship aid.
This should not be happening!
Learn what college coaches, college boards and future employers want in today’s athlete.
Actual letter from GFT parent
College Prep Program! Siblings get free access. Less than 2% of athletes get a college scholarship. Learn the process for both academics & athletics. Bonuses include Understanding the Athlete BRAND, make a Highlight Video (& update it each season) & more! This is the Total Package! I’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.
$1500 Value / ON SALE FOR $29.00
Highlight Video Package: $500 Value. The DIY Highlight Video course puts YOU in control. Let professional videographer Wes Wages walk you step-by-step through making a highlight video simply & easily using the smartphone in your pocket! Includes 7 lessons + it’s own bonuses in the module!
College Sports are a JOB – and You are a BRAND: $125 Value. Coaches aren’t just recruiting talent, they are also recruiting good people who will represent them and the school well. We’ll teach you what they are looking for while your playing. Also so many youth today do not realize the impact of their social media images and presence on their present and future opportunities. Learn what and how colleges determine an athlete’s value and contribution to their own brand as a school.
Get Preseason Fit – $29 Value. Get the guide for safe carb-cycling for high-performance athletes. Written by Kauai-based trainer Alana Mears, learn how to drop additional weight that slows you down, kill those unhealthy & game-killing sugar cravings, boost your wind & endurance and reset your body for a more productive season.
$1500 Value / ON SALE FOR $29.00